Moon rocks are a combination of CBD or marijuana flower dipped in hash oil and then rolled in kief. They are known as the strongest and most potent CBD and THC products on the market. Traditionally Moon Rocks start with a dark primo cannabis or hemp bud flower that gets sprayed in hash oil, finished by rolling the caked bud in kief. This produces the highest amount of consumable CBD possible. CBD and cannabis connoisseurs are always looking for newer and better ways to enjoy their favorite strains of CBD and/or THC. Wellmart also offers Delta 8 Moonrocks as well!
Our products here at WellMart are based around the CBD compounds within the flower, therefore keeping the THC below the legal limit and giving you the ability to order them and have them shipped anywhere in the entire nation!
Why Smoke CBD Moon Rocks? |
It’s about speed and absorption! Smoking CBD Moon Rocks allows the CBD to enter your blood stream immediately and the effects are typically felt in 10 – 15 minutes. The next fastest form of absorption are tinctures used under the tongue, taking about 30 minutes. Edibles can take 1 – 6 hours for effects to be felt. Absorption is the next huge factor. Smoking CBD, especially high concentrated moon rocks, provides the highest absorption levels. You can expect around 35 – 60% absorption into your blood stream from smoking CBD compared to 20 – 30% when consumed in an edible. A great alternative to CBD Moon Rocks are CBD Cigarettes. Lastly, moon rocks are the most potent form of CBD smokeable on the market today.
45% Absortion Rate |
How To Smoke Moon Rocks
The best experience to consume these bad boys is to use a hash pipe or bowl. Do not break them down in a weed grinder, or you will lose the kief surrounding the flower/hash. Use a soft-flame lighter (no torches), and lightly burn the edge of the bowl – watch the flame spread over the top of the entire bud.
The flame will ignite the kief, which activates the hash oil, ultimately clean burning the flower located on the inside of the moonrock.